Sunday, September 4, 2016


"Hey Doc. Does low prenatal  testosterone cause homosexuality in males?  I am so.  My family are rejecting me."  ("Asim", England)

Dear "Asim,"

Upon exposure to certain hormones, fetal sex differentiation occurs; thus, male and female organs grow.  This is a known fact; however, your question addresses "the hormonal theory of sexuality and gender identity", which postulates that hormones also play a role in sexual orientation and eventual  gender identity in adult life.  Is this theory true?  Well, the theory itself originated from abundant research studies using mammals, not human beings, and what was researched and concluded is that  prenatal factors and hormones that interact with the developing brain does show sex-typed behavior in children.  Whether the mammal correlation can be linked to humans is highly controversial.  Recently, a 2010 study published in the "Trends of Cognitive Sciences" magazine, entitled " Sex-related variation in human behavior and the brain" did lend support in humans that prenatal androgen exposure influences eventual childhood sex-typed behavior.  Realize that in addition to hormones, sexual orientation has been linked to genes, SRY and ZRY.  Thus, to answer your question " Does low prenatal  testosterone cause homosexuality in males?" presently, the answer would have to be yes, that possibility exists. 

You indicated that "I suffer from ED" but know that there are medications and techniques to address erectile dysfunction, a condition that has no correlation with homosexual tendencies.  You also asked "Is there anything to fix my gay tendebcy?"  The answer is no, there is no medication or treatment to fix lesbian or homosexual desires. 

You also mentioned "I think my strong homosexuality could be as a result of many many strict generations of suppression of those feelings in the DNA in the Islamic side of my family."   There are many religions and cultures with strict forbiddance of  gay and or lesbian lifestyles; yet, in my opinion, religion should stand neutral in this area of genetics.  If a person is attracted to an individual of the same sex, I have written in the past that "no  law can legislate genetics."  Both politics and religion should realize that both entities risk discrimination and intolerance without undoing strict policy or scripture. 

Asim, you have shown much courage to express your true inner feelings; thus, for your own mental health, you must surround yourself with people who support who you are as an individual.   Let your faith help guide your journey, realizing any scripture that unintentionally or purposely condones hatred and violence, is an interpretation of man, not God.  Congratulations on taking your first big step.

I am deeply humbled by your trust in me on an issue that is both sensitive and controversial.   God Bless you.


Dr. Roshin

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