Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Dear Readers,

With just under a week until the 2016 national Presidential elections, I wish to offer a perspective concerning  the importance of integrity in our chosen leaders. 

The President of the United States is considered by people and heads of state alike as the leader of the free world, and that individual must exemplify strong character, morals, a positive, peaceful vision, and most importantly, integrity.    Why is integrity the value I consider the most important in a leader?

Our leaders have virtually no control over events ongoing on the planet.  We choose a leader who we feel will best afford the most conscientious, decision at any moment of potential crisis.  Part of making a resolute decision weighs heavily on whether the information and intelligence we receive has integrity, the leaders on the global stage are trustworthy and their words echo integrity, and is the chosen leader free of any potential conflicts of interests, thus, allowing his/her final decision to carry merit, i.e. integrity, free of any bias or prejudice.

In my opinion, regardless of party, our Presidents have lacked integrity, and the consequences have been profound to our country and the world.

Bill Clinton, in his second term as former US President, lied under oath (1999-2000).  Thus, the message sent to our country and world was the following: if you lie and can get away with your lie, do it.  Immediately after Bill Clinton was not held accountable for perjury, US companies (1999-2007) falsified their annual growth reports, showing profits that never existed.   Thus, the stock market soared to unprecedented levels, allowing politicians, companies, and knowledgeable people to make quick money based on lies.  The fabrication and falsifying of profit reports resulted in the global, earthquake economic collapse of 2007-2008.  Millions of hard working Americans lost their life savings and pensions while the politicians were virtually untouched by the consequences of their decisions. 

George W. Bush, the former 43rd President of the United States, continued the lying started by Bill Clinton, by stating weapons of mass destruction existed in Iraq.  As we know today,  after 9/11, our country initially declared war on the Taliban in Afghanistan; but, we were diverted to Iraq, after President Bush stated Saddam Hussein posed a significant threat to our country due to his (Saddam) possession of weapons of mass destruction.    We began a "shock and awe" campaign that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi people.   Since there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, ask yourself, what have been the consequences of this lie?   Increased terror and the largest debt  in our country's history are the undeniable results of this weapons of mass destruction lie.  After all, killing innocent people, has increased resentment and animosity towards our country, and the net result is the profound increase in terror events, global and domestic.  The culmination of economic lies and wartime lies have resulted in the largest debt burden placed on our country's citizens.  Most importantly,  in my opinion, there is a direct link between lies, orchestrated by our Presidents, and the lack of peace in the world.    

If Hillary Clinton becomes the next President of the United States, children in our country and around the world will learn that Bill Clinton, lied under oath; but he still reaped the benefits of his lying by having the honor of becoming the first "First Man" of the United States.  Lying is the gift that keeps on giving to these career politicians.

Thus, upon voting Tuesday November 8, 2016, vote your conscience placing front and center the importance of integrity in our leaders.  Has the time arrived to vote all career politicians, at the local, state, and federal  levels, out of office?   As a person who supports business and the free enterprise market system, I write from a deep concern for the direction of our country, and in my opinion, failure in the integrity of our "leaders".   In 2016, all  establishment "leaders" must go, in other words, all career politicians should be voted out of office.  


Dr. Roshin


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